2nd POSITION

I am starting my new blog with one question that who is the second person who stepped on the moon?

If you don't know then the effect is starting now. Now once again focus on title of this blog.

We all know that 1st person is Neil Armstrong so he gets all the fame and honour.
2nd person Buzz Aldrin did same thing however he doesn't get same fame from the world due to small reason that he is second. 
Like that all the competitions have common requirement 'top position'. So that position matters in every competitor's mind.

We all need to get first number for the world or society.

2nd position is worst position that feels us like loosers. 2nd topper from top has same level of sadness like top from the last one has. Because society just remember or appreciate topper.

2nd winner had done same hardwork as equal as 1st had done.
May be sometimes luck take the chance to be a owner of our success. And at the end he doesn't get appreciation from people.

What do you think why these positions matter a lot? Because of competition?

No. Competitions are part of our lives. Every stages in your life you must faceoff this competition and this is reality.

Position matters because of this blind society or people. who just has care for your results not your efficiency of hardwork.
This blind society has all the people except  winners or different thinkers. We are also the part of this blind world because we have same point of view like others.

May be 2nd topper don't get as equal as winner. But he has future another chance that winners don't have. If he wishes then he try again in same way or another but he would never stop. And he can try again and he will do is better than that person  who becomes already winner.

I heard one quote that,

Success hugs you in private but failure slaps you in public.

Because public also has failures more than winners.

If you don't care about this blind world you can faceoff all the problems in life. You have to appreciate your 2nd position, because of that you get 2nd chance.

May be this 2nd chance can change your life forever.

Trust me you are the next winner.

                                          THANK YOU.



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